Identity and User Account
From this page you can modify your user account permissions and services enabled:
- Activate your user account if this is the first time you use it or you don't know which it is.
- Modify user account password
- Modify your account visibility on user accounts directory
- Activate hosting linked to your account
- Get access to software and external services: Microsoft 365, Adobe
How does it work?
If you want to change your password or enabled services for your account you only have to click on Login.
How do I identify myself?
To identify yourself on services provided by the University of Vigo you can use Centralized Authentication. In order to use it you must have a user account. This account can activate on this page, using the following link Login.
To authenticate you can usae one of the following mechanisms:
- University of Vigo user account
- Identity Number (NIU) on the Secretaria Onine
- FNMT certificate or DNIe
How do I login on other services?
Some services, for example, Sede Electrónica,use as cl@ve service for authentication, this service allows authentication via:
- Digital certificate or DNIe
- Pin 24H
- Cl@ve permanente
You can check if cl@ve access works following this link:
I need help
You can get more information about University of Vigo Centralized Authentication this page.
If this is not enough you can get more help this page.
Universidade de Vigo Centralized Authentication help
What is?
Is a system that allows access to UVigo web applications authenticating once, so you can switch between applications with no need to authenticate again.
How does it work?
When trying to login to an application you will be redirected to a "User Identification" page, where you must authenbticate, typing your full user account ( or and its password. If identification succeeds you will be sent back to the application you were trying to access.
When pressing "Logout" button or link on an application you will close your session for all applications using this system. Anyway, for logging out we recommend closing your browser (all open windows and tabs).
How do I identify myself?
On the centralized authentication system you can identify yourself in different ways:
- User: Using a user account (with domain, or and password. On personal accounts you can use your identity card or passport number as username.
- NIU: Giving data used to access Secretaria Online: NIU, identity card number and and password.
- FNMT certificate: Having a FNMT certificate (de persoa física, funcionario público, etc.) and a browser configured to use it.
- DNIe
What happens if I have no user acount in UVIGO?
If you have no current relationship with UVIGO you have no user account, but you can still authenticate on some services using your NIU or a personal digital certificate issued by FNMT.
I am a student, faculty or staff, how do I get a user account?
If you are a student, faculty or staff you are assigned a user account. You can activate it or set a new password if you have forgotten it from this page.
To activate your account you can use your NIU (NIU, password and identity card number) or a personal digital certificate issued by FNTM. In order to use your NIU you must have it before activating your user account.
This page you can find a manual telling how to do this activation.
And if I don't have a NIU?
To get your NIU you have to go to the University of Vigo Secretaria Online You can get more help about this this page.
I forgot my password
I you have forgotten your password but know your NIU or have a personal FNMT certificate you can set a new password for your account from this page.
You can authenticate:
- Using your NIU (NIU, document number and password)
- Using a personal FNMT certificate or DNIe
I forgot NIU's password
I you have forgotten NIU's password you can retrieve or set a new one using the get access data form on Secretaria Online. You will be requested for the mail address that figures as main contact on the Secretaria Online, this will be, if you are a student, the mail used on the enrollment process. If you are faculty or staff employee, it will be your UVIGO personal mail account ( ou
I have problems with the FNMT certificate
If you have problems using a digital certificate for authentication you can check its state this page. You can also use the Valide service for certificate checking. If problems persist please get in contact with IT support, "Servizo de Atención ó Usuario", (SAUM) who will try to resolve your problems.
Service Status
On the following applications you can view status of services and incidences in services provided by the Universidade de Vigo.
If needed you can open a service support request on the helpdesk portal.
For incidences related to Microsoft 365 services you can open support requests on M365 portal.